World Editor Introduction

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The world editor is the a very powerful tool provided with the C4 Game Engine. It allows the basic users to easily create worlds and insert game elements without writing a single line of code. In the next few sections we will be outlining how to get started with the World Editor and how it is used in the creation of a game. We will also get you started with implementing your own customizable objects into the world through third party modelling programs. This section will also discuss triggers and how they will be used in conjunction with the powerful scripting controller, and custom controllers to create an experiment that is useful and fun. Listed below are the following file types that the World Editor supports.

Accepted File Types for Import

Models or Scenes - Collada (*.dae)
Textures or Pictures - Targa (*.tga)

Native File Types used for Engine

Models - *.mdl
Textures - *.tex
Sounds - *.wav

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