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RCar-A-Go-Go is a Capstone project by McMaster University's first graduating class in the Software Engineering and Game Design program. RCar-A-Go-Go is a 3D game created by the C4 Game Engine by Terathon Software. The software is aimed at providing the Shedden Psychology Lab at McMaster a tool to research the effects video games have on humans. Specifically, the lab hopes to

"How do we learn from our mistakes? How does practice improve performance? How do we become experts? Dr. Judith Shedden and her students study cognitive and attentional control and the brain processes underlying the changes that occur as a novice becomes an expert, particularly the experience dependent changes to cognitive, attentional and memory processes.

Of particular interest is how performance is monitored during practice, how errors are detected, and how behaviour is altered in response to errors. Action video game players who play games for long periods of time over many years develop particular visual spatial skills that can be operationally defined and measured in the laboratory. Most published work on video game players focuses on the social aspects of game playing, and only recently have people started studying the cognitive and attentional changes that gamers experience. We study video game players to understand how their expertise develops and how it generalizes to performance on other tasks."



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