Streaming Media Technology

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Streaming media is multimedia that is constantly received by, and normally displayed to, the end-user while it is being delivered by the provider.[1] Streaming media technolgy enables on-demand or real-time access to multimedia content via internet and allows users to play those contents without fully downloading them. After playing, there's no copy of played contents leaving on the receiving devices, which protects the copyright of the original mutimedia contents.

Basic Streaming Media Transfer Process [2]



When the user requests to play a media object that is stored on a remote server, the data blocks are retrieved from the remote server over a network, and passes to the client for display. [3] There are ususaly two ways of doing that. First, the player doesn't play until the media object is completely downloaded on the client. Second, the player can start to play while "streaming" the media as long as enough data has been received - without waiting for the fully downloading, which is so-called streaming media.

Compared with the way of fully downloading, there are many advantages of the way of streaming.

System Architecture

To be filled

Storage and Bandwidth

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Data Compression

Run-length encoding

Relative encoding

Huffman encoding

Transform encoding

To be filled

Network Protocols





To be filled


  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D


[1] Wikipedia, "Streaming Media", April 2008, "" .

[2] Sequence website, "" .

[3] Dashti, Ali E. Streaming Media Server Design, Prentice Hall, 2003

See also

External links

--Chuh 15:58, 7 April 2008 (EDT)

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